Saturday, February 20, 2010

Drugs Pass the Bill

Drugs Pass the Bill

Annually, alcoholic beverages are the cause of approximately 2,000 adolescent deaths that are car accident related. Alkaloids produce saturation in hospital emergency rooms. Ecstasy provokes mental vice. Smoking pot joints increase drug cells. “Drugs always pass the bill. Open your eyes”, states the National Plan’s communication division about drugs, which as a main objective upholds the avoidance of wasting toxic liquor amid the youth.

Lately, the Government’s kick-off has been devalued by advertising campaigns spread throughout the city of Condal. An exaggerated anger over the narcotic strictness generated from the Catalan Parliament’s Health Council has been expressed within Catalan promotional campaigns. How is it possible that the city of Condal is ranked the number one leader of narcotic users in Europe? The Interior Advisor has detonated a tenacious tempest by affirming that legitimizing all of the composed hallucinogens is the best system to fight off drug trafficking. Would he be courageous enough to tell that to his children? Or could it be that what he professes at home for the wellbeing of his own family is completely different from what he professes out in public, which is where votes are collected from the marginalized and people without any kind of criteria?

Drugs reach the brain directly. The Office of National Drug Control Policy in Washington ratifies that alkaloids can cause damages, such as anxiety, melancholy, psychotic and mental break downs, just as well as suicide tendencies. Could this be what some individuals amidst the lucidity of some sort of “death culture” are looking for? No one can doubt that drugs are one of the new plagues among our society nowadays. The drug consumption index has increased at an alarming rate, and authorities are saturated with this severe problem. Drug addiction has hooked itself onto a substantial part of the world’s youth population. Studies are being conducted to eradicate this social vice that only leads to death.

Author and journalist Clemente Ferrer has led a distinguished career in Spain in the fields of publicity and press relations. He is currently President of the European Institute of Marketing.

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