Friday, March 25, 2011

Post-abortion traumas in the U. S. Reach 91% of cases

Post-abortion Traumas in the U.S. Reach 91% of Cases
Emma Beck, 30-year-old British actress, had an abortion. She then proceeded to commit suicide; she hung herself. Emma left her parents behind a sad letter: “Life is a living hell for me; I should have never undergone the abortion. I would have been a great mother. I want to be with my children, they need me more than anyone else in the world”.
Various neuroscience researches have concluded that voluntary abortion produce long-term-effect clusters in the brain. More and more, neuro-specialists are able to identify these psychopathological long-term-effect clusters. These clusters can be seen in the monographs shows on the “pregnancy termination and mental health” round table during the Spanish Bioethics Committee Congress.
Furthermore, the tendency of increasing suicides rates linked to abortion is alarming. It is estimated that 35 out of 100,000 suicides are committed by teenagers that voluntary choose to undergo abortions. According to Finland investigation, this ratio is three times higher than that of fertile women that have not aborted. The investigation was conducted over a 6-year time period. Aquilino Polaino, head of the CEU-San Pablo University Psycopathology Department, judged the conclusions of the study conducted by the Royal College of Psychyatrists as alarming. The study declared that abortion multiplies times 3 suicide incidence on women.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) asserted that studies have shown the incidence of post procedural trauma for abortion clients to be as high as 91 percent of all cases.

Women who choose to undergone abortions look at their children’s death with indifference. We live in a death culture, which surrounds us with furious egoism and with an enormous lack of respect for human life, especially those innocent and defenseless ones which are yet to be born.
Doctor Nathanson, an American pro-abortionist, states that today’s humanity regrets yesterday’s slavery, and soon enough it will also regret the human crime of abortion; an experience he underwent due to the abortion of his own child. (Translated by Gianna A. Sanchez-Moretti).
Author and journalist Clemente Ferrer has led a distinguished career in Spain in the fields of publicity and press relations. He is currently President of the European Institute of Marketing.

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