Friday, October 11, 2013

From drug use to suicide there is only one step

From drug use to suicide there is only one step The spanish Foundation Against Drug Addiction has released a campaign under the slogan "Drugs not only harm those who consume them . Everything has a price". The aim is to raise public awareness about the presence of drugs. Another advertising campaign was also presented, aimed at young people, schoolchildren, warning them of the dangers of drugs, under the slogan: "Drugs . Do you 're going to play?" . The campaign appeals to the responsibility of adolescents, showing that smoking pot increases the damage of drugs: “Drugs did always charge an invoice. Open your eyes”, says the communication of the National Drugs Plan. The drug reaches the brain directly. A study by the Office of National Drug Control Policy in Washington, notes that drugs can cause damage, such as anxiety, melancholy, psychotic episodes and suicidal tendencies. Could this be what someone seeks, in clear line with the culture of death? It is a fact that drugs are one of the scourges of society today. Drug addiction has taken root in a part of the youth population worldwide. We are researching how to end this social scourge, which only leads to death. We must fight for life, which is sacred. The drug is death, the sacrifice of millions of unsuspecting humans, for the sake of one of the dirtiest businesses known to mankind. It is necessary to combat the drugs with proper education, with less permissiveness, with greater respect for the individual and offering to the youths a vital perspective. Drug abuse causes physical and mental deterioration, that transforms a one-moment paradise in a hell that lasts long and is unbearable. The drug is a one-way road, with no return. We need an urgent battle against the drug trade and consumption, to curb this sword of Damocles that is so harmful to our society, because it causes crime, cruelty and promotes the physical and psychological devastation of many teenagers. The emptiness of God, did not lead to despair? Hopelessness leads to dehumanization. The man without God is dehumanized and becomes an enemy to himself. Narcotics abuse leads to this. "I have seen the greatest minds of my generation, crawl through the streets at dawn, looking urgently and imperatively for drugs," says Allen Ginsberg. On the way to Mexico in 2012, Benedict XVI said: “We must do all that we can to counter this evil which destroys society and our youth; to educate consciences towards moral responsibility, to expose the worship of money that enslaves humans, unmasking evil, false promises, the lies and the fraud that are involved in drugs”. Author and journalist Clemente Ferrer has led a distinguished career in Spain in the fields of advertising and public relations. He is currently President of the European Institute of Marketing.

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