Saturday, June 23, 2012

Drugs: A Path of No Return

Drugs: A Path of No Return
The Foundation against Drug Addiction (FDA) launched a campaign under the slogan "Drugs not only harm those who consume them”.

Everything has a price. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the dangers of drugs.
It also launched another ad campaign targeted to young people of school age, with aims of warning about the dangers of drugs under the slogan: "Drugs. Are you going to play? ". The campaign calls for teenage responsibility. Smoking pot increases the chances of drug consumption. Drugs always take their toll. Open your eyes, states the National Plan on Drugs.
Drugs reach the brain directly. The study of the National Office of Drug Control in Washington D.C., endorses that drugs can cause damage, such as anxiety, melancholy, psychotic episodes and suicidal tendencies.
Could this be what some want in parallel with the culture of death?
Moreover, drugs are one of the scourges of today’s society; something that no one questions. Drug addiction has sabotaged a big part of today’s youth around the world.
Research is striving to find a cure to this social evil, which only leads to death. One must fight for life because it is sacred. Drugs are death. They sacrifice millions of innocent beings, for the sake of one of the dirtiest businesses known to mankind.
It is necessary to fight against drugs with a quality education, while being less permissive and more respectful towards one another. Teens must be offered a vital perspective in life.
Drug use causes physical and mental deterioration that transforms the high paradise feeling into a long and unbearable hell in an instant. Drugs are a path of no return.
It is urgent to fight against the drug trade and the waste it creates. The harmful sword of Damocles must be stopped; it is piercing the social fabric and encouraging crime, cruelty and physical and psychological devastation among many teenagers.
Doesn’t the void of God lead to despair? Hopelessness leads to dehumanization. Man without God is dehumanized and is enemy to his or her self. Drugs only lead to this end. (Translated by Gianna A. Sanchez-Moretti).
Author and journalist Clemente Ferrer has led a distinguished career in Spain in the fields of publicity and press relations. He is currently President of the European Institute of Marketing.

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