Friday, July 01, 2011

An ode to life!

An Ode to Life!
Sarah Palin did not separate from Trig Paxson, her Down Syndrome diagnosed son, during the entire US Election Campaign. She would kiss him and stare at him with pride, knowing that the results of the election would directly affect their future.

The desire of preventing the birth of human beings diagnosed with genetic disabilities is leading to the progressive employment of “prenatal reports”. If the report turns out unfavorable, an abortion for many is a “solution”. Such a case is presented by The Guardian. The Anglo-Saxon newspaper spread the word on the results of a scientific research study carried out by Cambridge University. The study examined the conduct of 235 teenagers during a period of 8 years starting from their pregnancy.

Some people may perceive that the option to conduct an abortion supports a woman’s independence and freedom of choice. Others may ask if society is using prenatal reports as inquiry tools to prevent the birth of physically and mentally handicapped human beings.

What are the values that are at stake during a pre-birth genetic analysis? Such values are: respect towards human existence (individual and collective), but most of all respect towards the disabled.

However wounding the question may be, we must ask ourselves: has humanity pushed itself towards searching for the annihilation of minority mortal groups, such as individuals with Down Syndrome, or those who suffer from physical and neurological disorders?

For every 800 births, one is diagnosed with Down Syndrome in women of ages 30-34. What is curiously shocking is that there are hardly any Down Syndrome births today! This may be due to the fact that these cases are “taken care of” by abortions.

“My mother turned to the doctor during her second month of pregnancy. She was ordered to interrupt her pregnancy; however, she went against the doctor’s order. Seven months later, I was born. Today, 1824, at the Kärntnertortheater in Vienna, I debut my ninth symphony: my personal anthem for the joy of living, Ode to Joy”, stated Beethoven. (Translated by Gianna A. Sanchez-Moretti)
Author and journalist Clemente Ferrer has led a distinguished career in Spain in the fields of publicity and press relations. He is currently President of the European Institute of Marketing.

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