Friday, July 20, 2012

China has murdered 400 million children because of the Only Child Policy

China has murdered 400 million children because of the Only Child Policy

Forced abortions at seven months into the pregnancy have caused strong indignation in China in order to fulfill the “Only Child Policy”. The officials that ordered the interruption have been arrested after the mother posted on the Internet a shocking picture of the fetus entirely covered in blood lying beside her on the hospital bed in Feng Jianmei. The 27 year old woman was forced to terminate the pregnancy. In China, about 400 million children have been murdered with abortions in order to control the overpopulation problem.

The Royal College of Psychiatrists, an illustrious professional psychiatric institution in England, has admitted a significant change in their indicators on the link between abortion and mental health. Voluntary abortion leads to a significant danger to the mental health of women. The college recommends that guidance for these insecurities be provided for women seeking abortions. It further encourages the publications of material that discuss the cases of post-abortion despair, since there can be no informed consent, if adequate information is not provided.

Actress Emma Beck, a young 30 years old British artist, was pregnant with twins and aborted in 2007. Soon after, she committed suicide. She hung herself. She relieved herself by leaving her family a letter: “Life is a living hell for me; I should have never undergone the abortion. I would have been a great mother. I want to be with my children, they need me more than anyone else in the world”.

Moreover, Scholar Peter Saunders, Secretary General of the Christian Medical Fellowship, asks: How can a doctor today be able to justify an abortion for mental health reasons - reason cited for more than 90% of the 200,000 abortions per year conducted in Britain?

In Spain, according to IPF reports, there has been an increase from 9,000 abortions in 1985 to about 120,000 in the past year. With this amount, it is estimated that over 300 children will not see the light of day, thus exceeding the one million one hundred thousand abortions since the implementation of legalized abortion. This means that every 4.8 seconds a murder is committed. Currently one in six pregnancies ends in abortion.

Francisco Gil Hellin explains that societies that boast about their social policies should protect the most vulnerable since protecting life is a moral obligation that governments should fulfill.(Translated by Gianna A. Sanchez Moretti)

Author and journalist Clemente Ferrer has led a distinguished career in Spain in the fields of publicity and press relations. He is currently President of the European Institute of Marketing.

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