Friday, January 13, 2012

Excellent Campaigns Against AIDS

Excellent Campaigns Against AIDS
AIDS discoverer, Luc Montagnier, explained how campaigns against AIDS should be.

Campaigns against sexual behavior that defy the biological nature of humans are needed. Most of all, there is the need to educate young people against the risk of sexual promiscuity and vagrancy. Montagnier is against homosexual practices. The London Declaration, result of the Global Summit that brought together Ministries of Health from all over the world, emphasizes that AIDS prevention campaigns must not forget nor abandon different ways of life, human values, spiritual values, and must protect human rights and human dignity.
Moreover, the Belgian Ministry of Health launched an advertising campaign about AIDS to target young people. The campaign did not recommend the use of condoms. It instead emphasized on living love responsibly. The campaign’s main tool was a video for schools and television networks. A similar campaing was also launched in Switzerland, which promoted that mutual sexual fidelity may protect from HIV infection.
In Africa, where the number of infected victims are the highest, television networks around the entire continent broadcast commercials that promote the use of condoms funded by the European Union. In recent years, Uganda has been consistent with its campaign against AIDS, although a bit contradictory by promoting fidelity, chastity, and condoms.
Giuliano Rizzardini, infectious disease physician at the hospital of Busto Arsizio, was interviewed by the Italian magazine Avenire. He explained that prevention is what has proven more effective in the fight against AIDS, in other words, saving the value of family. This is the experience of Uganda, the only country where rates of new infections have decreased. Furthermore, a recent survey conducted by Harvard's Center for Population and Development Studies shows that even after 20 years of the epidemic, there is no evidence that proofs condoms to reduce AIDS.
At the International AIDS Conference, the president of Uganda said that the best response to the threat of AIDS is publicly and clearly reaffirming the mutual respect that humans owe to each other. We must educate young people in the virtue of abstinence, self-control and sacrifice, which requires respect for others. By promoting abstinence and marital fidelity, the Government of Uganda has reduced AIDS in 75% of young people between the ages of 15 and 19, 60% among those between 20 and 24, and 54% among the rest of the population (Translated by Gianna Alessandra Sánchez Moretti).
Author and journalist Clemente Ferrer has led a distinguished career in Spain in the fields of publicity and press relations. He is currently President of the European Institute of Marketing.

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