Friday, October 07, 2011

Abortion has Costly and Severe Consequences

Abortion has Costly and Severe Consequences
When an innocent human being is killed through abortion, the first victim is the unborn baby while the second is the paranoid mother. Millions of teenagers fall victim to this fraud, and almost all of them are now regreting what is known as the “Post Abortion Syndrome”. According to the International Planned Parenthood Federation, post abortion trauma can affect 91 percent of the young teens that undergo abortions.
Suicide is the main and most critical post abortion tendency. Other consequences that can be spurred by an abortion are breast cancer and the high risk of develop ovarian cancer. About 3 percent of women who conduct an abortion suffer from uterus perforation. The risk of uterus perforation increases in women who have already had children.

Premature births and complications during birth are among other post abortion consequences for women who have had the precedure before. Abortion increases the risk of fetal malformations as well as of perinatal death. Abortion is also linked to cervical and uterus lesions, which can increase the risk of premature births. These reproductive complications are the main causes of physical and psychical disabilities in newborns.

Teenagers, which account for 30 percent of the women who abort, are exposed to the highest risks of suffering the various complications that are linked to abortion. In a study conducted on 1,428 women, researchers discovered that the induced abortions were significantly linked to health deficiencies.

Abortion is linked to conduct changes, such as promiscuity, infidelity, smoking, drug abuse, and eating disorders. Sometimes, an abortion can even lead to the lost of self-esteem, bitterness, depression, and finally, suicide.

Doctor Nathanson, American pro-abortion advocate – including that of his aborted son – asserts that today humanity regrets the slavery of yesterday, and will soon be ashamed of the crime that is abortion. (Translated by Gianna A. Sanchez-Moretti).

Author and journalist Clemente Ferrer has led a distinguished career in Spain in the fields of publicity and press relations. He is currently President of the European Institute of Marketing.

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