Friday, May 24, 2013

In Japan, a Person Commits Suicide Every 15 Minutes In Japan, a Person Commits Suicide Every 15 Minutes Many Americans die from firearms which they rise against themselves. Almost 20,000 of the 30,000 deaths by firearms in the United States, were suicides, according to the figures provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reports the New York Times. The number of suicides has increased by 12% in recent years, and suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people. Suicide attempts with firearms are lethal in 85% of cases. Wyoming, Montana and Alaska, sonare the three States with the highest number of suicides, and they are also those with the highest percentage of gun owners. Scientific rhetoric states that “having a gun at home to protect your family, it's like putting inside your house a time bomb”. Alexandre Dumas, the famous French writer, said that: “The greatest of crimes is suicide, because it is the only one without repentance”. People die mainly by heart attack or carcinoma. But it is alarming that deaths by suicide and by illnesses of the nervous system such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's or dementia, are being placed in front. Suicide is the leading cause of “external” death. "It is important to emphasize that suicide is a morbid, decadent and coward act" the German filmmaker Oliver Hirschbiegel. Separating mortality statistics by gender, women succumb to cardiovascular disease, stroke, and swellings. It is followed by cardiac ischemia. However poisonous deaths tumors and breast cancer again be the most harmful, followed by colon cancer. For men, the first is coronary insufficiency. Infarction and angina are the leading cause of death among males. In terms of countries, Japan is the one with the highest suicide rate in the world, with more than 35,000 annual immolations. In the country of the rising sun, a person commits suicide every 15 minutes. We live in a culture of death even when hidden behind the garb of consumption and welfare. It's enough to dig a little to make this moral destitution present as it is, with fierce selfishness, aggressive violence and lack of respect for life, which is a divine gift. We must oppose a "culture of life", located in the lap of the family, against the "power of death". Author and journalist Clemente Ferrer has led a distinguished career in Spain in the fields of advertising and public relations. He is currently President of the European Institute of Marketing.

In Japan, a Person Commits Suicide Every 15 Minutes Many Americans die from firearms which they rise against themselves. Almost 20,000 of the 30,000 deaths by firearms in the United States, were suicides, according to the figures provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reports the New York Times. The number of suicides has increased by 12% in recent years, and suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people. Suicide attempts with firearms are lethal in 85% of cases. Wyoming, Montana and Alaska, sonare the three States with the highest number of suicides, and they are also those with the highest percentage of gun owners. Scientific rhetoric states that “having a gun at home to protect your family, it's like putting inside your house a time bomb”. Alexandre Dumas, the famous French writer, said that: “The greatest of crimes is suicide, because it is the only one without repentance”. People die mainly by heart attack or carcinoma. But it is alarming that deaths by suicide and by illnesses of the nervous system such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's or dementia, are being placed in front. Suicide is the leading cause of “external” death. "It is important to emphasize that suicide is a morbid, decadent and coward act" the German filmmaker Oliver Hirschbiegel. Separating mortality statistics by gender, women succumb to cardiovascular disease, stroke, and swellings. It is followed by cardiac ischemia. However poisonous deaths tumors and breast cancer again be the most harmful, followed by colon cancer. For men, the first is coronary insufficiency. Infarction and angina are the leading cause of death among males. In terms of countries, Japan is the one with the highest suicide rate in the world, with more than 35,000 annual immolations. In the country of the rising sun, a person commits suicide every 15 minutes. We live in a culture of death even when hidden behind the garb of consumption and welfare. It's enough to dig a little to make this moral destitution present as it is, with fierce selfishness, aggressive violence and lack of respect for life, which is a divine gift. We must oppose a "culture of life", located in the lap of the family, against the "power of death". Author and journalist Clemente Ferrer has led a distinguished career in Spain in the fields of advertising and public relations. He is currently President of the European Institute of Marketing.

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