Friday, May 17, 2013

One Abortion Every 4.8 minutes

One Abortion Every 4.8 minutes A forced abortion, imposed to a woman seven months pregnant, to meet the "One-child-policy", has provoked strong indignation in China. The officials who ordered the termination of this pregnancy, have been arrested after Feng Jianmei, the 27 year old woman forced to abort, hang in internet a creepy image of the fetus, totally covered in blood, lying next to her in the bed of the hospital where he was admitted. In China, to exercise control over the population, more than 400 million children have been killed through abortion. In 2008 The Royal College of Psychiatrists, an illustrious professional institution in the UK, published a report warning that having an abortion might damage a woman's mental health. This changed the College's 1994 position that the risks of developing mental health problems were less for women who have abortions than for those who carried on with a pregnancy. The College recommended that women should be counselled about the risk that having an abortion posed to their mental health, and pointed out that a woman could not give 'informed consent' to an abortion without having this made clear to them: “Consent cannot be informed without the provision of adequate and appropriate information regarding the possible risks and benefits to physical and mental health”. In 2007 the actress Emma Beck, a young British performer of 30 years, had a gestation of twins and had an abortion. Soon she hanged himself and left his relatives a pathetic letter: "Living is hell for me. I should never have had an abortion. I see now I would have been a good mum. I want to be with my babies; they need me, no one else does". Moreover, Dr Peter Saunders, general secretary of the Christian Medical Fellowship, said: “How can a doctor now justify an abortion [on mental health grounds] if psychiatrists are questioning whether there is any clear evidence that continuing with the pregnancy leads to mental health problems?”. Spain, as reported by the Institute for Family Policy, has risen from 9,000 abortions in 1985 to over 120,000 today. That figure means that, every day, more than 300 kids will not see the luminary of day, and that the number of abortions has exceeded one million one hundred thousand since its application was legitimized. This means that every 4.8 minutes a murder occurs. Currently one in six pregnancies ends in abortion. "A society that is proud of its social policies should protect the helpless, as the defense of life is 'a moral obligation' that public administrations should support", said Francisco Gil Hellin. Author and journalist Clemente Ferrer has led a distinguished career in Spain in the fields of advertising and public relations. He is currently President of the European Institute of Marketing.

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