Friday, April 20, 2012

We Want a Long-Lasting Family

We Want a Long-Lasting Family
When the State gets involved in family matters, some feel a certain embarrassment and suspicion since “home” is considered to be a great sanctuary of one’s personal privacy. However, there are countries which traditionally provide support and incentives for the family, such as France, which is at the forefront of overall European births, according to a report of the French Institute of Public Opinion (Ifop).
Against a growing number of divorces, politicians are forced to promote marital stability as a means to impact children’s lives and society at large. The two principal French political parties agree on what the priorities are, but differ on the solutions. According to the INSEE (Statistical Institute), single parent families – with a high percentage of single mothers – are now reaching 19%; its poverty rate reaches 46.2%, versus 7% for the rest of the French population.

In order to make marriage a long-lasting one, a State must prioritize: the institution of marriage itself; the introduction of new tax benefits for newlyweds; the promotion of an aid policy which favors stable conjugal unions; and the establishment of premarital courses that help build a long-lasting conjugal coexistence.

A new survey carried out by Ifop for the French newspaper La Croix, shows that 77% out of the sample survey (young people between 25 and 34 years) aspire to build and maintain a family with the same partner.

According to the survey sample, below are some of the measures that could help strengthen the institution of marriage: a global change in mentalities (33%); external help to solve problems (28%); housing assistance and reconciliation between family and work (25%); effective services for the education of children (17%); revaluation of the institution of marriage (15%); and for the media to portray the image of happiness in family life (12%).
In conclusion, there seems to be a certain principle that brings an advantage to society, and that is due to the stability that the institution of marriage brings. The question comes down to how can the incentives that help a family last over time be improved; how can a family overcome the obstacles encountered throughout coexistence? (Translated by Gianna A. Sanchez Moretti)
Author and journalist Clemente Ferrer has led a distinguished career in Spain in the fields of publicity and press relations. He is currently President of the European Institute of Marketing.

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