Friday, April 09, 2010

Abortion leads to suicide

Abortion Leads to Suicide

The Royal College of Psychiatrists, an illustrious professional psychiatric institution in England, has demonstrated a significant change in its indicators of the link between abortion and mental health.
The “voluntary interruption of a pregnancy” leads to a significant danger in women’s mental health and advices orientation about these insecurities to those who expect to abort. Editing publications that comment on the trances of despair after an abortion is widely exhorted, seeing that there cannot be “an informed consent, if adequate information is not provided”.

In 2007, Emma Beck, a 30-year-old young English actress, carried in her womb a conception of twins and aborted. After some time, she committed suicide – she was found hanged -, relieving herself by leaving her relatives a pathetic letter: “Life is a living hell for me; I should have never undergone the abortion. I would have been a great mother. I want to be with my children, they need me more than anyone else in the world”.

On the other hand, Peter Saunders, a scholar and Secretary General of Christian Medical Fellowship, asserted: “How can a doctor justify an abortion for mental reasons, motive that is invoked for more than 90% of over 200,000 abortions that are conducted in Great Britain annually?”

In Spain, according to IDF reports, abortions have jumped from 9,000 in 1985 to more than 112,000 in the past year. With this mount, it is evaluated that more than 300 babies will not see the light of day on a daily basis, a calculation obtained from the exceeding one million one hundred thousand abortions that have been conducted since abortion was first legalized. This means that a murder is committed every 4.8 seconds. Nowadays, one in every six pregnancies ends up with abortion.

“A society that presumes from their social policies should protect their vulnerable more, seeing that defending life is a ‘moral obligation’ that public administrations should support”, affirmed Francisco Gil Hellín. (Translated by Gianna A. Sánchez-Moretti.)

Author and journalist Clemente Ferrer has led a distinguished career in Spain in the fields of publicity and press relations. He is currently President of the European Institute of Marketing.


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